On the afternoon of November 7, 2020, the "Control Theory and System Science" forum, guided and hosted by the Chinese Society of Automation, was successfully held during the Automation Conference. Control theory takes the system as the main object, and uses mathematical methods and computer technology as the main tools to study various control strategies, methods and technologies. System science is a science that studies the structure, evolution, and regulation of systems. These two disciplines are developed by combining operations research, control, information science and other technologies, and are closely linked. This special forum showcased the latest research results of these two disciplines, including cutting-edge stochastic theory, networked system security, cluster control and optimization, advanced industrial unit power, low-speed wind turbines, and grid optimization.
The forum was chaired and vice chaired by Academician Duan Guangren of Harbin Institute of Technology and Professor Yang Guanghong of Northeastern University, and invited 5 top experts and scholars.

Professor Hou Zhongsheng gave a report entitled "Model-Free Adaptive Control Theory" and shared the problem of how to use data for system control design in the context of big data. Professor Hou first briefly introduced the problems and challenges of model-based control theory under the Kalman architecture; then introduced the data-driven control system and designed a new mathematical tool-a nonlinear system dynamic linearization method; then reported on the progress of MFAC theory , And the relationship with PID, adaptive control, and iterative learning control methods. Finally, practical examples of the application of MFAC in various fields are given.

Professor Hou Zhongsheng’s report is easy to understand, and introduces the theory of data-driven control in a simple way. His summary of the correlation between PID control and MFAC has aroused widespread interest. The report was brilliant, the forum was full of seats, and the audience response was very enthusiastic.