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Complex System Theory and Control(CSTC)

作者: 时间:2021-11-10 点击数:

Complex system theory is a frontier direction in system science, and it is the main research task of complexity science. Complexity science is called the science of the 21st century. Its main purpose is to reveal some dynamic behaviors of complex systems that are difficult to explain with existing scientific methods. At present, the theory of complex systems is still in its infancy, and it may breed a new systematics and even a revolution in traditional scientific methods. Complex system theory is of great significance in the mathematical modeling and research of engineering systems such as aircraft systems and logistics systems.

System control theory, as an important part of system science research, mainly studies the dynamic balance of system elements and the universality of the relationship between system structure and function, as well as system structure adjustment, mechanism design, operation research optimization, adaptive coordination, feedback control , Cooperation and game, including optimization theory, control theory and game theory, etc.

The complex system theory and control mainly  take the complex nonlinear system as the research object, according to its complexity characteristics, including the uncertainty of the system structure, the adaptability of system performance, the randomness of system signals and the existence of system interference, etc., to study its modeling and optimization And control issues. At present, important achievements have been made in the fields of complex nonlinear system analysis and anti-jamming control, stochastic systems and optimization.

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