Personal Profile:
Fu Baozeng, PhD, was born in August 1988 in Linqing, Shandong province and he is currently a Lecturer of the School of Automation, Qingdao University, Qingdao, China. He received the Ph.D. degree in control science and engineering from Southeast University, Nanjing, China, in June 2019. His research interests include: aircraft systems, Hamilton systems, anti-disturbance control. He has published more than 10 SCI and EI papers. He has presided over 1 Postdoctoral Applied Research Project and 1 Postgraduate Research & Practice Innovation Program of Jiangsu Province, and participated in 1 general project of national Natural Science Foundation of China and 1 Aeronautical Science Foundation project.
Email address: fubaozeng1988@163.com
Scientific research achievements:
1. Baozeng Fu, Xiangyu Wang, Qingzhi Wang. Protocol design for group output consensus of disturbed port-controlled Hamiltonian multi-agent systems. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2021, October, SCI. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfranklin. 2021.10.006
2. Baozeng Fu, Qingzhi Wang, Ping Li. Finite-time stabilization and H
control of Port-controlled Hamiltonian systems with disturbances and saturation. PLoS One, 2021, August, 16(8), e0255797. SCI.
3. Baozeng Fu, Shihua Li, Xiangyu Wang, Lei Guo. Output feedback based simultaneous stabilization of two Port-controlled Hamiltonian systems with disturbances. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2019, October, 356(15):8154-8166. SCI.
4. Baozeng Fu, Shihua Li, Jun Yang, Lei Guo. Global output regulation for a class of single input Port-controlled Hamiltonian disturbed systems. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2018, May, 325:322-331. SCI.
5. Baozeng Fu, Qingzhi Wang, Wei He. Nonlinear disturbance observer-based control for a class of Port-controlled Hamiltonian disturbed systems. IEEE Access, 2018, September, 6: 50299-50305. SCI.
6. Baozeng Fu, Shihua Li, Lei Guo, Jun Yang, Qixun Lan. Finite-time stabilization of Port-controlled Hamiltonian systems with nonvanishing disturbances. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 2018, Jun, 40(10):2973-2981. SCI.
7. Weiwei Sun, Baozeng Fu. Adaptive control of time-varying uncertain non-linear systems with input delay: a Hamiltonian approach. IET Control Theory & Applications, 2016, October, 10 (15): 1844-1858. SCI.
8. Baozeng Fu, Shihua Li, Kunfeng Lu. Finite time integral sliding mode fault-tolerant control for airbreathing hypersonic vehicle with external disturbances. Proceedings of the 30th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, 2018, 1715-1720.
9. Baozeng Fu, Shihua Li, Lei Guo, Wei He. Finite time simultaneous stabilization of two single input nonlinear Port-controlled Hamiltonian disturbed systems. Proceedings of the 36th Chinese Control Conference, 2017, 1249-1254.
10. Baozeng Fu, Shihua Li, Lei Guo. Global output regulation for a class of two order Port-controlled Hamiltonian systems with mismatched disturbance. Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation, 2017, 638-643.
11. Baozeng Fu, Weiwei Sun, Yong Ren. Adaptive control of uncertain Hamiltonian systems with input delay. Proceedings of the 54th Annual Conference of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers of Japan, 2015, 610-615.
12. Weiwei Sun, Baozeng Fu. Stabilization analysis of time-varying Hamiltonian systems with input delay. Proceedings of the 33rd Chinese Control Conference, 2014, 6124-6129.
13. Yong Ren, Weiwei Sun, Baozeng Fu. Energy-based
-disturbance attenuation control for robot manipulator with uncertainties and input delay. Journal of Advances in Mathematics and Computer Science, 2014, 4(17): 2403-2417.
1. Postdoctoral Applied Research Project of Qingdao: Research on active anti-disturbance control of Port-controlled Hamiltonian systems with different structural characteristic disturbances, host, no.1.
2. Postgraduate Research & Practice Innovation Program of Jiangsu Province (KYCX17_0098): Research on theory and application of anti-disturbance control for Hamiltonian systems, host, no.1.
3. General Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China (61873060): Research on active anti-disturbance distributed optimization control of multi-agent systems subject to disturbances, participant.
4. Aeronautical Science Foundation project (20170769004): Research on anti-disturbance control technology of unmanned helicopter advanced low speed flight in complex environment, participant.